Women’s Health at Every Stage: Interviews with Shaklee Employees

Every woman has a different health journey, but no matter your age or stage of life, it’s always a great idea to set goals for a healthy diet and lifestyle. To help inspire you for your unique health journey, we interviewed a few of the women at Shaklee Home Office (USA) to ask them what their health focuses and goals are in their current season of life.

Diana (29)

What aspects of your health are you most focused on at this phase in your life?

As I head into my late 20s, I’m definitely starting to feel a few changes. My skin is dry and I look tired. Blood tests show I’m deficient in vitamin D and magnesium. I am more sore after workouts. I feel more tired and have less energy than I used to, so I definitely rely more on caffeine than I ever have before. 

What Shaklee products do you use to support your health goals?

As I get older, I’m really learning which ingredients and products help me feel my best. To help with my skin issues, I swear by YOUTH® Luminous Gel Oil Cleanser, Restoring Eye Treatment, and Moisture Activating Serum, which I feel add back and maintain moisture in my skin. I’ve started to take OmegaGuard®, Optiflora® DI Probiotic, Vita-D3®, B-Complex, Vivix® Liquigels, Liver DTX® Complex, Sustained Release VitalMag®, and MoodLift Complex*. I’ve been taking this handful of pills for 6 months and I genuinely feel the difference in energy and overall well-being when I miss a day.

How do you feel about this phase of womanhood?

I’ve honestly never felt more secure in who I am, what I’ve accomplished, and where my future is headed. I’m really excited for what’s to come and proud that I am putting so much effort into my health from a young age.

Sundeep (35)

What aspects of your health are you most focused on at this phase in your life?

At this point in my life, I am trying to start a family, so I have really looked at making sure my body is getting all the nutrients it needs and have re-evaluated what my diet looks like. I have been dairy free for a few years now, but I have also cut back on gluten. I try to live by an 80/20 rule—80% of the time I eat super clean and healthy, and 20% of the time I allow myself to have that glass of wine or eat the refined sugar. But I enjoy eating healthy and cooking at home so I know what I’m putting into my body. As far as supplements go, I definitely take a prenatal as well as a probiotic and an omega-3.

What Shaklee products do you use to support your health goals?

I take either Vitalizer Women or Vita-Lea® Women—just depends what I have on hand—and Optiflora DI® Probiotic and OmegaGuard®. I also will take a Stress Relief Complex* now and then when I feel a bit overwhelmed.

How do you feel about this phase of womanhood?

This is my favorite phase so far, because I feel most knowledgeable about who I am and I finally feel secure with that (even though I still have insecurities now and then—I’m human!). While I sometimes get nervous about the outward pressures of aging, I do feel like I am the healthiest I have ever been in my life. I am excited to become a mother and enter this next chapter. I try to practice gratitude every day and I try to embrace the calm I can find in a busy life.

Sara (42)

What aspects of your health are you most focused on at this phase in your life?

My body (aches and pains), what I put in my body, and most of all getting exercise. As I get older, my joints are not what they used to be. I have somewhat chronic pain in my hips, lower back, and knee. 

What Shaklee products do you use to support your health goals?

I use the joint supplements. I also use immunity products if I’m feeling a bug coming on. I also LOVE the Shaklee 180® bars. I’m “bad” at feeding myself when I’m working, and the bars are always a good save for when I need some fast nourishment.

How do you feel about this phase of womanhood?

I love my 40s. I feel more confident and grounded. People used to say it’s when you turn 30 that you feel this peace—I believe it’s your 40s. What I don’t like about it is the true fact that my body is getting older. I can feel my hormones starting to change, and as I mentioned earlier, the aches and pains are getting worse.

Tiye (50) 

What aspects of your health are you most focused on at this phase in your life?

When I was younger, it was all about trying to look a certain way. And what I am finding now is that while looking good is still important, I am most interested in what I can do now to feel good and be healthy as I age.

What Shaklee products do you use to support your health goals?

Life Shake is a big part of my daily nutrition. My life is pretty fast paced, and I am not a morning person (HA!), so Life Shake helps me to get a good breakfast even on the go. In addition, there are targeted solutions that are a big part of my go-to supplementation—AdvancedJoint Health Complex*, which helps me as I start to incorporate more physical activity in my day, and Stress Relief Complex*…becauselife!I also use the YOUTH® Skin Care line—the serums are key products for me. I have good genes, but I definitely want to help them out!

How do you feel about this phase of womanhood?

When I was in my twenties, the image of what fifty looked like was a woman whose life was over. And I didn’t want that. So, it is a very exciting time. I have all these examples of women feeling and looking amazing—at all ages—to draw on for inspiration as I define what this phase of life will be for me.

Wherever you are in your journey, take care of yourself, love yourself, be kind to yourself, and be healthy. J

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